Monday, 11 August 2008

3 weeks to go ...

Well, it looks like I've got things more or less in place to start my 365challenge to raise money for Cancer Research ... I 'm not convinced that I'm as fit as I need to be for this, but I guess as I get going, I'll have to become fitter, just because I'll be exercising so much.

Instead of spending lots of hours in the gym building up fitness ahead of the start on September 1st like a clever person, I've been working on other things related to the 365challenge. For example, the web site is more or less there - click through here and let me know what you think. You'll have to click through the front page, which is a bit of a pain, but it was the only quick way I could remedy an address problem after I'd started building the site. I may manage a better workaround in time, but for now this is the primary way in! I've had a LOT of patient help from Paul at TST getting it this far - all out of the goodness of his heart, as he supports my efforts, which has been great. He's also brought on board Nick from Lemondrop Creative, who designed our logo for free - I love it, and hopefully it'll look good on T-shirts and things as I get this going more officially.

I've decided to set up this challenge in memory of my sister, Brenda Carr, who sadly lost her battle with cancer on July 7th 2008. Also, I had my own brush with a tumour in September 2007, but fortunately appear to have come out the other side okay. However, these two experiences have prompted me to step up and make an effort to support Cancer Research UK as they work to understand and overcome this horrible disease.

I really want to draw more people in to the idea of rasing money for charity over a full year long effort. I hope it will be for Cancer Research UK, but I'm not going to get precious about it - if there are people out there with other charity interests but who like the idea of spending 365 days on some sort of challenge that'll generate interest and funds for good causes, I say go for it.

I'm meeting with Liz from Cancer Research UK on Wednesday to discuss what support they can offer, and hopefully get some ideas about promoting the idea more generally. I think I'd be up for some press coverage if I could get it, though I am a little wary of that ... but I guess if it gets me support, I should take every opportunity that presents itself.

I need to start writing to or emailing people about what I'm up to, and inviting them to sponsor me and/or take part ...

Still so much to do, but I'm up for it and really want to give this my best shot.

Watch this space ...

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