Monday, 23 February 2009

other amazing efforts ...

Since I started into this 365challenge year, I've been blown away by the support of those folk who have taken on their own 365challenges and become 365'ers too ... I'm not going to list them all here, but you can read about their efforts on my website on the "Meet the 365'ers" page. And expect more to be added soon.

And while these guys have been doing me proud as 365'ers, I've also come to learn of other wonderful efforts that other innovative fund-raisers have been developing, and I thought I'd share their details here too ...

Paul and Andrew are working on organising "Press Up for Cancer", a two day event in May, which is now gaining international interest, it seems, where they want to get as many individuals and teams together to perform 1000 press-ups each or per team to raise money for Cancer Research UK and MacMillan Cancer Support ... brilliant idea, but not one I could attempt, I fear!

And also in May, firefighters Lee Peyton and Garry Mackay will head to the Outer Hebrides to complete a 300 mile self-supported journey from the south of the island chain to the most northerly tip, the Butt of Lewis, cycling across the islands, running to the highest point on each and kayaking between the islands in a superhuman effort to complete the challenge in under 60 hours.

Their website is really good and they are a great example of how to use t'internet to promote their 300mile challenge ... they are raising money for CLIC Sargent, the charity that supports children with cancer, and are trying to raise a staggering £25000 ... go for it guys, I'll be right behind you ... em ... in Chester ... em ... on my virtual kayak ...

... well, I'll do what I can to promote your efforts, at least, and, and stick a link on my website at some point too. As Garry has offered to join me on one of my mountain endeavours, if he can walk after his own efforts, hopefully you'll hear more of the 300mile challenge on these pages as they progress their training and take on this truly heavyweight challenge.

As I hear of other similarly wonderful ideas, I'll share them with you, and maybe you'll be inspired to have a go too! Who knows, eh?

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