Wednesday, 1 October 2008

that's been too long a break ...

I've just looked at my "Track My Progress" spreadsheet and see that I've been out of the loop for the 365challenge for about 12 DAYS thanks to that lousy cold - and the sore throat has been trying to creep back over the past 2 days - what's all that about?

Well I had to get back at it, so I went into the gym on Sunday and managed to cycle 16 Km, then last night I managed a 5 Km row and 20 Km cycle, so I'm, feeling a little better about it all again. Still not feeling totally right, but I'm active again, so I hope that will shake off the lurgy.

I also ran into Anouska in the gym last night, who is the last of the current batch of people planning on taking up the 365challenge and who I hadn't met up to now. I had my 365challenge t-shirt on, so she was brave enough to approach me and introduce herself as I stumbled off the bike dripping in sweat! She's working hard and planning to run a marathon a month, and then, for good measure, throw in the Land's End to John O'Groats cycle ride - FOR REAL - with a friend, and as if that's not enough, she hopes to get a place in the London marathon next year and do that for real too! Amazing people, this crew of lunatics who have been inspired by the 365challenge idea to do something for CRUK.

For the record, in case you missed what some of the others are doing - Fred(erika) is going to do a triathlon a month, Oliver is cycling across the US (I think), Mark is cycling, rowing and running across Australia, Peter is still deciding, but it's going to be good, I know, and Carl is getting back into his run across America after a pretty serious injury - take it slowly, buddy, take it slowly.

Carl is also organising a 90 minute fancy dress spin (I think the theme is Cowboys and Indians) on Otober 11th at the Chester Total Fitness for CRUK, so if you're in the area, come on down!

What a fantastic bunch. IF you want to join us, do please get in touch - you don't have to go quite so mad .. maybe try walking a mile a day, 26 days a month, then you'll have walked a marathon a month for CRUK. Come on, you can do it.

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