Friday, 31 October 2008

how do I get word out ...?

As you will know, promoting the 365challenge to all and sundry is now my main focus with the challenge. I've raised a healthy amount, which I know will be added to even more over the year, but obviously, the more people I can find who can take on the challenge for themselves, and raise what they can in their own sponsorship, the greater the overall pot will be for Cancer Research UK.

So, how do I get word out? Any and all suggestions welcome, please.

I have made the local press and radio, emailed everyone I know (and some I don't!) and put some promotional material in my gym. This week, I contacted the head office of my gym - but have yet to hear back from them - to see if they will get behind 365challenge and promote it in their 24 branches. It seems a no-brainer to me, as it encourages members to be regular users and probably renew their memberships over the year, but hey, who said head office was populated with people with my take on things - i.e. with no brains!

But that got me thinking. So ... in the past couple of days, I've visited a few other gyms in the area and put the 365challenge to them too. Some initial interest, tempered with "we'll have to run it by the boss"-type responses, but at least they are going to do that! One gym manager loved the idea, but his club manager wouldn't take it on, as the gym supports another charity - so the gym manager is going to promote it personally to "a select few" he thinks might go for it! Good man!

Another gym has 78 branches in the UK, so I'll have to keep after them. Gaining just 5 365'ers in each of their gyms across the year would blow my target of 365 people taking the challenge clean away - and think what that would do to the overall pot.

This 365challenge-thingy is going to be my world for a while, isn't it!

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